About Me

Laaraib Associates & Developers (PVT) LTD.

My Vision

Laaraib Associates and Developers is hallmark of community living developments that is built upon its reputation for impeccable service and attention to detail. From residential to commercial, the experience of development is unparalleled. We are building a legacy everyday with the extra ordinary designs and concepts of living, making life easy and connected.We are an exciting and dynamic company that is consumer friendly. Our focus is to bring avant-garde, state of the art cities to Pakistan. We like to think different and be different.

My Aim

Our aim is to expand our projects throughout Pakistan and make eco living viable, modern and strengthen customer relationships plus recognize customers that can benefit from what we have to offer. Our mission isn’t just to build housing projects, but our focus is to establish well-knit communities in a modern and green setting.
We believe that we are on the face of the Earth to make great products and that’s not changing. We are constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple not the complex.

Previous Record


Happy Customers


Years Experience


Cups of Green Tea